Western Hognose Morphs

Here is an overview of the Hognose morphs I am currently working with…

GREENS A line bred trait formed from breeding the best greens to each other over time.
ALBINO ANACONDA A visual mutation of the Albino and Anaconda genes.
ALBINO This is a recessive mutation and is also known as Amelanistic or T-Albino. There are variants such as extreme reds, reds, oranges and yellow albinos.
ANACONDA This is a co-dominant gene that causes a reduction in pattern and a solid black belly with a white WALLED outline. When 2 ‘condas’ are bred together they can produce a Superconda, which has a patternless body.
ARCTIC Also known as ‘JMG Axanthic’, this is a co-dominant morph. Breed 2 Arctics and produce a breath taking super form.
AXANTHIC Axanthics are a recessive mutation that lack the yellow colour, making them grey, black and white, and in some cases silvery looking.
FROSTED HYPO The visual double recessive combo of the Caramel Albino and the Dutch/Evans Hypo.
EVANS / DUTCH HYPO A Hypomelanistic gene which removes the dark pigments from the colouration.
CARAMEL ALBINO This is also known as a T+Albino. This variation of Albino can easily be recognised by its brilliant white belly and caramel colouring. This is also a recessive mutation.
HYPO SUPERCONDA This morph is made up of the super form of the Anaconda and recessive Hypo gene resulting in a stunning patternless snake with a peach like colour.
ALBINO SUPERCONDA This morph is made up of the super form of Anaconda and the Albino resulting in a stunning patternless snake with the Albino colouration.
LAVENDER As the name states, a lavender coloured snake. This is a recessive gene.
CARAMEL SUPERCONDA This combo is made up of the super form of the Anaconda and the Caramel Albino (T+). The result is a creamy coloured snake with no patterning and reduced head pattern due to the caramel influence.
SUPER ARCTIC The super form of Arctic. A visually black and white animal that hatches black to begin with and after each shed turns a crisp black and white colour.
SABLE This is a recessive morph which displays an increase of melanine creating a dark brown morph. The dark colouration makes it an excellent gene to mix into the lighter morphs, such as Albino to enhance the Albino’s brightness.
PISTACHIO ANACONDA A double visual morph, made up of Anaconda and Pistachio, this is nicknamed a ‘Green Goblin’.
PISTACHIO TOFFEEBELLY A visual combo of Pistachio and Toffeebelly, nicknamed a ‘Pistoffy’.
PISTACHIO ALBINO A double visual of Pistachio and Albino.
FROSTED DIABLO A Frosted Superconda with a solid black eye.
CARAMEL DIABLO This is made up of the recessive Caramel gene and the yet to be proven Diablo mutation which affects the eye colour around the pupil, in this case the eye is completely black.
PISTACHIO TOFFEEBELLY ALBINO A triple visual of all 3 colour mutations.
Reptiles Reptiles
ALBINO FROSTED A triple visual consisting of Albino, Caramel and Hypo.
FROSTED ANACONDA A triple combo made up of Caramel, Hypo and Anaconda. Sometimes referred to as ‘Frappuccino’.
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SUPER ARCTIC SABLE This is a combination of the recessive Sable gene and the super form of the Arctic gene.
LAVENDER ANACONDA A double visual combo made up from the co-dominant Anaconda gene and the recessive Lavender gene.
ALBINO FROSTED SUPERCONDA A pink coloured combo made up of Albino, Caramel, Hypo and Superconda.
ALBINO P-TYPE JAGUAR A combination of the dominant P- Type Jaguar gene and the recessive albino gene resulting in a reduced patterned albino.
AXANTHIC ANACONDA Often referred to as the ‘Axanthiconda’. This is the result of combining the Axanthic gene with the Anaconda.
ARCTIC SUPERCONDA A triple visual which displays the super form of the Anaconda along with the Arctic gene. Also known as a ‘Platinum’.
ARCTIC ANACONDA A double visual of the Arctic and Anaconda. Nicknamed the ‘Grey Fog’.
AXANTHIC SUPERCONDA A combination of Axanthic with the super form of Anaconda. A very pretty combo in my opinion.
ARCTIC ALBINO ANACONDA The ‘Triple A’. A 3 gene visual involving the recessive Albino gene along with the Arctic and Anaconda co-dom genes.
ARCTIC ALBINO SUPERCONDA Adding the Superconda to the mix, it creates a patternless Albino combined with the Arctic gene.
ARCTIC LAVENDER A double visual of the Arctic and Lavender genes. Also know as a 'Moon Dust'.
ARCTIC SUNBURST An extremely bright combo consisting of Arctic, Albino and Sable.
ARCTIC SABLE AKA the ‘Black Ice’. This combination is made up of both the Arctic and Sable genes.
ARCTIC SABLE ANACONDA A combination of Arctic, Sable and Anaconda.
ARCTIC TOXIC A combination of Arctic, Axanthic and Toffeebelly sometimes referred to as a 'Purple Ice'.
FROSTED SUPERCONDA A visual of the super form of Anaconda combined with the recessive genes of Caramel and Hypo.
LEUCISTIC As hatchlings they are a white snake with a pink(ish) look, but as adults they are a solid white colour. In my opinion, they are the ‘Holy Grail' of Western Hognose Morphs.
MAI TAI The visual double recessive mutation of the Sable and Toffeebelly.
MAI TAI ANACONDA This is a triple visual of the Anaconda, Sable and Toffeebelly genes.
MAI TAI SUPERCONDA A combination of the Sable, Toffeebelly and super form of the Anaconda gene. (AKA Candy Cocktail)
NORMAL The wildtype colouration of the Western Hognose Snake. This can be quite variable, showing browns, reds, greens and yellow colourings. Sometimes referred to as Classic, Normal or Wild Type.
PINK PASTEL ANACONDA A combination of Pink Pastel Albino (recessive) and Anaconda (co-dom). These are also known as ‘Pink Panthers’.
PARADOX ALBINO The paradox gene in Hognoses acts like a chimera, where it splits two colour mutations on the appearance of one animal. in this case adding black spots to the albino colour. Believed to be non genetic, but a nice trophy animal for any collection.
PISTACHIO A recessive gene with bright colouration. Possibly a form of hypo? The black belly colouration is replaced with a lavender / purple colour.
PINK PASTEL ALBINO Another variant of the recessive Albino mutations, the dark pigment is replaced with a pink colouring giving it the name Pastel Pink.
P-TYPE JAGUAR A dominant gene which affects the snakes patterning. This creates an aberrant and jaguar type spotting/markings.
REDS A normal variant which has been bred to create the reddest combinations.
SHADOW A dominant gene which seems to display large spots on the snakes back with a grey background. This gene also can create ‘eyebrow’ type markings on the head.
SNOW The visual double recessive mutation of Axanthic and T-Albino. This results in a pink and white snake with red eyes.
SNOW ANACONDA This is the triple visual of the Albino, Axanthic and Anaconda. Nicknamed the ‘Yeti’.
SNOW SUPERCONDA A double visual of Albino and Axanthic combined with the super form of the Anaconda gene creating a patternless pink snake. Sometimes called a ‘Super Yeti’.
SUPER ARCTIC ALBINO As the name states this is the super form of the Arctic gene with Albino. This combo turns the colouration to pink and white. Also known as the ‘Sub-Zero’.
SUPER ARCTIC ALBINO ANACONDA A 4 gene combo with the Super form of the Arctic along with Albino and Anaconda creating a pink and white snake with reduced markings. (AKA Bubs Daddy)
SUPER ARCTIC LEUCISTIC ALBINO When told the Leucistic gene was a dead end gene, I made it a personal goal to disprove that myth and hatched a translucent snake with a white pixelated look and solid red eyes. This combo consists of the super form of Arctic and the recessive genes of Albino and Leucistic. This World's First was hatched here in my collection.
SUPER ARCTIC ANACONDA This is a combination of the Anaconda gene and the super form of the Arctic morph.
SUPER ARCTIC LEUCISTIC With the super form of Arctic being present in this Leucistic combination, it results in a pink translucent snake with a white pixelation look to the scales and solid black eyes.
TOFFEEGLOW The visual double recessive mutation T-Albino and Toffeebelly, resulting in an enhanced coloured Albino.
SUPERCONDA This is a super form of the co- dominant Anaconda gene resulting in a patternless body. The head is ‘normally’ the only part with a pattern.
ULTRAMEL This is the visual double recessive mutation of T-Albino and T+Caramel Albino. Resulting in a red eyed caramel albino which looks more enhanced in colour.
TOFFEECONDA A double visual of the Toffeebelly and Anaconda genes. Creating a reduced patterned Toffeebelly.
TOXIC The visual double recessive mutation of the Axanthic and Toffeebelly. This results in a washed out purple and white snake.
ULTRAMEL SUPERCONDA A world’s first combo for me, combining Albino, Caramel and the super form of the Anaconda gene.
TOFFEEBELLY SUPERCONDA Nicknamed the ‘Candy’. This is a combination of Toffeebelly with the super form of Anaconda.
ULTRAMEL DIABLO With the Albino gene added to the Caramel Diablo, it turns the black eye to a solid red eye.
SUPER ARCTIC SABLE ANACONDA A powerhouse combo made up of the Anaconda, Sable and super form of Arctic.
SUPER ARCTIC SUPERCONDA As in the name, this combination is a mix of both the super form of the Arctic and the Anaconda.
SUPER ARCTIC TOFFEEBELLY The 'Pink Punch' combo is made up of the super form of the Arctic joined with the recessive Toffeebelly morph.
SUPER ARCTIC TOFFEEBELLY ANACONDA A combination that results in a reduced pattern with deep purples or pinks being present. This morph is made up of the super form of Arctic, recessive Toffeebelly and co-dom Anaconda gene.
SWISS CHOCOLATE A melanistic recessive gene which compliments other genes by making them look much bolder in colouration.
TOFFEEBELLY A recessive gene that as you might of guessed, is named after its toffee coloured belly. It is believed to be a type of T+Albino which also has the trait of paradoxing.
TOXIC ANACONDA A triple visual of the Anaconda, Axanthic and Toffeebelly.
TOXIC SUPERCONDA The super form of Anaconda combined with the recessive Axanthic and Toffeebelly genes.
ULTRAMEL ANACONDA A triple combo made up of Caramel, Albino and Anaconda.
DIABLO This mutation affects the eye colour. It turns either one or both eyes solid black. There does not seem to be a simple answer of why this happens, but it does occur.
FROSTED DIABLO SUPERCONDA This combo consists of Caramel, Hypo and Diablo. The body colour is the same as a Frosted Hypo but the animal has a solid black eye.

Western Hognose


Here is an overview of the Hognose morphs I am

currently working with…

Reptiles Reptiles
GREENS A line bred trait formed from breeding the best greens to each other over time.
ALBINO ANACONDA A visual mutation of the Albino and Anaconda genes.
ALBINO This is a recessive mutation and is also known as Amelanistic or T-Albino. There are variants such as extreme reds, reds, oranges and yellow albinos.
ANACONDA This is a co-dominant gene that causes a reduction in pattern and a solid black belly with a white WALLED outline. When 2 ‘condas’ are bred together they can produce a Superconda, which has a patternless body.
ARCTIC Also known as ‘JMG Axanthic’, this is a co-dominant morph. Breed 2 Arctics and produce a breath taking super form.
AXANTHIC Axanthics are a recessive mutation that lack the yellow colour, making them grey, black and white, and in some cases silvery looking.
FROSTED HYPO The visual double recessive combo of the Caramel Albino and the Dutch/Evans Hypo.
EVANS / DUTCH HYPO A Hypomelanistic gene which removes the dark pigments from the colouration.
CARAMEL ALBINO This is also known as a T+Albino. This variation of Albino can easily be recognised by its brilliant white belly and caramel colouring. This is also a recessive mutation.
HYPO SUPERCONDA This morph is made up of the super form of the Anaconda and recessive Hypo gene resulting in a stunning patternless snake with a peach like colour.
ALBINO SUPERCONDA This morph is made up of the super form of Anaconda and the Albino resulting in a stunning patternless snake with the Albino colouration.
LAVENDER As the name states, a lavender coloured snake. This is a recessive gene.
CARAMEL SUPERCONDA This combo is made up of the super form of the Anaconda and the Caramel Albino (T+). The result is a creamy coloured snake with no patterning and reduced head pattern due to the caramel influence.
SUPER ARCTIC The super form of Arctic. A visually black and white animal that hatches black to begin with and after each shed turns a crisp black and white colour.
SABLE This is a recessive morph which displays an increase of melanine creating a dark brown morph. The dark colouration makes it an excellent gene to mix into the lighter morphs, such as Albino to enhance the Albino’s brightness.
PISTACHIO ANACONDA A double visual morph, made up of Anaconda and Pistachio, this is nicknamed a ‘Green Goblin’.
PISTACHIO TOFFEEBELLY A visual combo of Pistachio and Toffeebelly, nicknamed a ‘Pistoffy’.
PISTACHIO ALBINO A double visual of Pistachio and Albino.
FROSTED DIABLO This combo consists of Caramel, Hypo and Diablo. The body colour is the same as a Frosted Hypo but the animal has a solid black eye.
CARAMEL DIABLO This is made up of the recessive Caramel gene and the yet to be proven Diablo mutation which affects the eye colour around the pupil, in this case the eye is completely black.
PISTACHIO TOFFEEBELLY ALBINO A triple visual of all 3 colour mutations.
ALBINO FROSTED A triple visual consisting of Albino, Caramel and Hypo.
FROSTED ANACONDA A triple combo made up of Caramel, Hypo and Anaconda. Sometimes referred to as ‘Frappuccino’.
SUPER ARCTIC SABLE This is a combination of the recessive Sable gene and the super form of the Arctic gene.
LAVENDER ANACONDA A double visual combo made up from the co-dominant Anaconda gene and the recessive Lavender gene.
ALBINO FROSTED SUPERCONDA A pink coloured combo made up of Albino, Caramel, Hypo and Superconda.
ALBINO P-TYPE JAGUAR A combination of the dominant P- Type Jaguar gene and the recessive albino gene resulting in a reduced patterned albino.
AXANTHIC ANACONDA Often referred to as the ‘Axanthiconda’. This is the result of combining the Axanthic gene with the Anaconda.
ARCTIC SUPERCONDA A triple visual which displays the super form of the Anaconda along with the Arctic gene. Also known as a ‘Platinum’.
ARCTIC ANACONDA A double visual of the Arctic and Anaconda. Nicknamed the ‘Grey Fog’.
AXANTHIC SUPERCONDA A combination of Axanthic with the super form of Anaconda. A very pretty combo in my opinion.
ARCTIC ALBINO ANACONDA The ‘Triple A’. A 3 gene visual involving the recessive Albino gene along with the Arctic and Anaconda co-dom genes.
ARCTIC ALBINO SUPERCONDA Adding the Superconda to the mix, it creates a patternless Albino combined with the Arctic gene.
ARCTIC LAVENDER A double visual of the Arctic and Lavender genes. Also know as a 'Moon Dust'.
ARCTIC SUNBURST An extremely bright combo consisting of Arctic, Albino and Sable.
ARCTIC SABLE AKA the ‘Black Ice’. This combination is made up of both the Arctic and Sable genes.
ARCTIC SABLE ANACONDA A combination of Arctic, Sable and Anaconda.
ARCTIC TOXIC A combination of Arctic, Axanthic and Toffeebelly sometimes referred to as a 'Purple Ice'.
FROSTED SUPERCONDA A visual of the super form of Anaconda combined with the recessive genes of Caramel and Hypo.
MAI TAI ANACONDA This is a triple visual of the Anaconda, Sable and Toffeebelly genes.
MAI TAI SUPERCONDA A combination of the Sable, Toffeebelly and super form of the Anaconda gene. (AKA Candy Cocktail)
NORMAL The wildtype colouration of the Western Hognose Snake. This can be quite variable, showing browns, reds, greens and yellow colourings. Sometimes referred to as Classic, Normal or Wild Type.
PINK PASTEL ANACONDA A combination of Pink Pastel Albino (recessive) and Anaconda (co-dom). These are also known as ‘Pink Panthers’.
PARADOX ALBINO The paradox gene in Hognoses acts like a chimera, where it splits two colour mutations on the appearance of one animal. in this case adding black spots to the albino colour. Believed to be non genetic, but a nice trophy animal for any collection.
PISTACHIO A recessive gene with bright colouration. Possibly a form of hypo? The black belly colouration is replaced with a lavender / purple colour.
PINK PASTEL ALBINO Another variant of the recessive Albino mutations, the dark pigment is replaced with a pink colouring giving it the name Pastel Pink.
P-TYPE JAGUAR A dominant gene which affects the snakes patterning. This creates an aberrant and jaguar type spotting/markings.
REDS A normal variant which has been bred to create the reddest combinations.
SHADOW A dominant gene which seems to display large spots on the snakes back with a grey background. This gene also can create ‘eyebrow’ type markings on the head.
SNOW The visual double recessive mutation of Axanthic and T-Albino. This results in a pink and white snake with red eyes.
SNOW ANACONDA This is the triple visual of the Albino, Axanthic and Anaconda. Nicknamed the ‘Yeti’.
SNOW SUPERCONDA A double visual of Albino and Axanthic combined with the super form of the Anaconda gene creating a patternless pink snake. Sometimes called a ‘Super Yeti’.
SUPER ARCTIC ALBINO As the name states this is the super form of the Arctic gene with Albino. This combo turns the colouration to pink and white. Also known as the ‘Sub-Zero’.
SUPER ARCTIC ALBINO ANACONDA A 4 gene combo with the Super form of the Arctic along with Albino and Anaconda creating a pink and white snake with reduced markings. (AKA Bubs Daddy)
SUPER ARCTIC LEUCISTIC ALBINO When told the Leucistic gene was a dead end gene, I made it a personal goal to disprove that myth and hatched a translucent snake with a white pixelated look and solid red eyes. This combo consists of the super form of Arctic and the recessive genes of Albino and Leucistic. This World's First was hatched here in my collection.
SUPER ARCTIC ANACONDA This is a combination of the Anaconda gene and the super form of the Arctic morph.
SUPER ARCTIC LEUCISTIC With the super form of Arctic being present in this Leucistic combination, it results in a pink translucent snake with a white pixelation look to the scales and solid black eyes.
TOFFEEGLOW The visual double recessive mutation T-Albino and Toffeebelly, resulting in an enhanced coloured Albino.
SUPERCONDA This is a super form of the co- dominant Anaconda gene resulting in a patternless body. The head is ‘normally’ the only part with a pattern.
ULTRAMEL This is the visual double recessive mutation of T-Albino and T+Caramel Albino. Resulting in a red eyed caramel albino which looks more enhanced in colour.
TOFFEECONDA A double visual of the Toffeebelly and Anaconda genes. Creating a reduced patterned Toffeebelly.
TOXIC The visual double recessive mutation of the Axanthic and Toffeebelly. This results in a washed out purple and white snake.
ULTRAMEL SUPERCONDA A world’s first combo for me, combining Albino, Caramel and the super form of the Anaconda gene.
TOFFEEBELLY SUPERCONDA Nicknamed the ‘Candy’. This is a combination of Toffeebelly with the super form of Anaconda.
ULTRAMEL DIABLO With the Albino gene added to the Caramel Diablo, it turns the black eye to a solid red eye.
SUPER ARCTIC SABLE ANACONDA A powerhouse combo made up of the Anaconda, Sable and super form of Arctic.
SUPER ARCTIC SUPERCONDA As in the name, this combination is a mix of both the super form of the Arctic and the Anaconda.
SUPER ARCTIC TOFFEEBELLY The 'Pink Punch' combo is made up of the super form of the Arctic joined with the recessive Toffeebelly morph.
SUPER ARCTIC TOFFEEBELLY ANACONDA A combination that results in a reduced pattern with deep purples or pinks being present. This morph is made up of the super form of Arctic, recessive Toffeebelly and co-dom Anaconda gene.
SWISS CHOCOLATE A melanistic recessive gene which compliments other genes by making them look much bolder in colouration.
TOFFEEBELLY A recessive gene that as you might of guessed, is named after its toffee coloured belly. It is believed to be a type of T+Albino which also has the trait of paradoxing.
TOXIC ANACONDA A triple visual of the Anaconda, Axanthic and Toffeebelly.
TOXIC SUPERCONDA The super form of Anaconda combined with the recessive Axanthic and Toffeebelly genes.
ULTRAMEL ANACONDA A triple combo made up of Caramel, Albino and Anaconda.
DIABLO This mutation affects the eye colour. It turns either one or both eyes solid black. There does not seem to be a simple answer of why this happens, but it does occur.
FROSTED DIABLO SUPERCONDA A Frosted Superconda with a solid black eye.
LEUCISTIC As hatchlings they are a white snake with a pink(ish) look, but as adults they are a solid white colour. In my opinion, they are the ‘Holy Grail' of Western Hognose Morphs.
MAI TAI The visual double recessive mutation of the Sable and Toffeebelly.
MAI TAI ANACONDA This is a triple visual of the Anaconda, Sable and Toffeebelly genes.
MAI TAI SUPERCONDA A combination of the Sable, Toffeebelly and super form of the Anaconda gene. (AKA Candy Cocktail)
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